Almaty Marathon

Almaty, Kazakhstan
29 Sept, 2024 (Dim)
Taille de l'événement: 10000 - 24999 participants


10 km, 21 km, 21.097 km

Marche nordique

10 km

À propos de l'événement

The Almaty Marathon (Kazakh: Алматы марафоны) is an annual event held in April in the Central Asian city of Almaty, Kazakhstan. Since the first edition of the race in 2012, participation has grown to more than 17,000 people from 53 countries. The Almaty Marathon seeks to achieve the same level of renown as the marathons held in cities such as New York and Amsterdam. The primary objectives of the Almaty Marathon Courage to Be the First are as follows: to promote a healthy lifestyle by encouraging people to exercise and participate in sports; to develop mass sports; to support young, talented athletes who are the future of Kazakh sports; to popularize the concept of social responsibility towards one's city and environment; and to support charity projects of national significance. Additionally, the marathon aims to raise funds for charities in Kazakhstan.

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 17 semaines pour vous préparer

10 km

29 Sept, 2024 (Dim)
10 km
Sur site

21 km

29 Sept, 2024 (Dim)
21.097 km
Sur site

21 km Relay

29 Sept, 2024 (Dim)
21 km
Relais (4)
Sur site

Nordic Walking

29 Sept, 2024 (Dim)
Marche nordique
10 km
Sur site


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