Caucasus Challenge

Baku, Azerbaijan
14 Sept, 2024 (Sam)


127 km

À propos de l'événement

Z Adventures is thrilled to announce the 2nd installment of the Caucasus Challenge. From October 18th to 22nd, 2019, adventurers and sports enthusiasts alike will be treated to a unique cross-country journey that includes a variety of running events and cultural immersion. Participants can take part in any of the 5K, 10K, half marathon, or full marathon events in Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia. Not only will they get to explore the different countries, but they'll also meet fellow athletes and take in the sights and sounds of each location. The package includes a welcome dinner in Baku, 4 nights of double/twin shared accommodation, all meals, transfers to all marathon locations, entry fees, and finisher's medals. Additionally, international flights to Baku and from Tbilisi, LOI, and visa for Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia can be arranged for an extra cost. Join us for an exciting adventure through the Caucasus!

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 15 semaines pour vous préparer

Three Marathons

14 Sept, 2024 (Sam)
7 étapes
127 km
Sur site


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