Dells Dirtiest Dash Mud Run and KIDS Race

12 Août, 2023 (Sam)

Course à obstacles

1 km, 3.5 mi

À propos de l'événement

Returning by POPULAR DEMAND! Obstacle Course Race for kids ages 4-10! Fun and challenging obstacles for all skill levels and end with a ride down the slip and slide!  Parents are welcome to join your kids on the kids obstacle course

The Dells Dirtiest Dash is a 3.4 mile mud/obstacle run held in part to help benefit student athletes in the Wisconsin Dells Cross Country Program. Proceeds subsidize running camps, clinics, cross training opportunities and more

Obstacles are set up to be fun and challenging for all age groups and ability levels. Don't worry, if you can not complete an obstacle you can just go around it. Obstacles include wall climbing, giant slip and slide, cargo nets, army crawl, pond running and a whole lot more. The scenic dirt nature trail is a sight to see on its own - You'll Love IT

Event details and schedule
We have had such overwhelming demand to make this just a fun-filled morning of self-challenge that we will continue to offer timing for the event so you can see how you stack up against your previous time or your friends. There are no official individual awards - get involved, test yourself and help support Dells Cross Country!

Event Location: The event itself starts at the far side of the Dells Middle School football field. This is located at the far east side of the school complex. Once you park (parking available at the high school), walk towards the grandstands/bleachers and continue walking across the football field You'll see the event set up below the football field/track.

What to wear: Realize that anything you wear could possibly be ruined. You will fight your way through mud, dirt, water, and well, who knows! We suggested refraining from wearing your Fitbit's or other devices that aren't waterproof. They could be ruined.

Arrival: Please arrive at least 30 minutes before your assigned wave start time. This will give you time to register, use the restroom and get ready to dominate!

Please arrive 30 minutes early for the Kids Race

Waves take off Saturday for the original mud run every 8 minutes, starting at 8 am.

Waves will be assigned by Wednesday, August 9.

Courses proposées par cet événement

Dells Dirtiest Dash Obstacle Course Mud Run and Kids Course

12 Août, 2023 (Sam) - 07:00
Course à obstacles
1 km

Dells Dirtiest Dash is Timed but Just for FUN

12 Août, 2023 (Sam) - 07:00
Course à obstacles
3.5 mi


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