Dick Evans Memorial Road Race

Honolulu, HI, USA
25 Août, 2024 (Dim)


112 mi

À propos de l'événement

The pinnacle of the Hawaii bike racing season, the Dick Evans Memorial Road Race follows a route similar to the original Around Oahu Race. Its distance, 112 miles, is the basis for the Iron Man distance Triathlon. This race is held annual in memorial to Hawaii cycling great Dick Evans.


Race starts at Kalama Valley Shopping Center in Hawaii Kai and proceeds at a controlled  pace to Waikiki, through town along Nimitz to Waipahu. The controlled pace ends as  the race turns onto Kunia road. Route follows the main highway to Haleiwa, along  the North Shore and back to the start via Kaneohe, Waimanalo and Hawaii Kai. 

There is a moving police enclosure for the main peloton. Cyclists that fall out of the  main peloton must obey all traffic rules and regulations.

Aid stations are provided at the top of Kunia hill, in Kahuku, in Temple Valley and at Olomana. 

Riders of all levels are welcome but riders must be prepared to ride the distance. LIMITED mechanical, wheel car and Sag vehicle support is provided. 

Race Day:

5:00 A.M. - 5:25 Rider check-in and late packet pickup.5:30 A.M. Rider Meeting5:45 A.M. Race Start1:30 P.M. Award Ceremony & Festivities after race at Kalama Valley Community Park

Packet Pick Up:

Saturday August 24th at Triangle Park (Fort Ruger Park) 1pm - 3pm. 


-Perpetual first place trophy 

-Individual awards for Top 5 Men, Top 3 Women, and 1st Junior

-Perpetual Best Team Finish Award for the top 5 men & top 3 women from  each team based on placing/points.


- All riders must have a USA Cycling license or else pay a $15 one day  license fee. 

- Road bikes only. No clip-on bar extensions or aero bars.

- No sleeveless jerseys or triathlon tops allowed

Thank You to our Sponsors

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 12 semaines pour vous préparer

112 miles

25 Août, 2024 (Dim) - 05:45
112 mi
Sur site


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