Families Run for Ovarian Cancer ROC Star 5k and 1-Mile Run/Walk

St. Louis, MO, USA
13 Oct, 2024 (Dim)


1 mi, 5 km

À propos de l'événement

Are you ready to ROC? Join us for the 18th annual Families Run for Ovarian Cancer ROC Star Run/ Walk! The ROC Star event was started in 2006 by the Jorgensen family as their wife, mother and Nana, Brenda, fought her own battle with ovarian cancer. Sadly, she lost that battle in 2011 but the event continues to honor her spirit and to raise funds for ovarian cancer research and ongoing awareness programs through St. Louis Ovarian Cancer Awareness. 

Participants can register for a timed 5k run/ walk or a 1-mile fun run/ walk - or if you can't join us in person you can ROC from Home! All event registration includes a limited edition shirt for all participants while supplies last. Please note ROC from Home participants' event shirts will be mailed AFTER the in-person event and a shipping charge of $5 will be added to each registration.

The event is family and dog-friendly and will include music by TKO DJs. Flu shots will be provided on-site by Walgreens for those would would like to get one (ages 7+) and there will be snacks as well as roaming selfie stations and of course the beloved Bubble Bus. 

Survivor Ceremony 
To recognize and honor our ovarian cancer survivors in attendance during our ceremony we will call each survivor by name and as they come forward we will share a flower and applaud them. All registered survivors in attendance should make their way to the stage for the ceremony and remain afterwards for a group photo.

Honor & Memory Wall
The event will host an "In Honor and Memory" wall where participants can attach a photo, write a message, or share an inspiring quote and more. SLOCA will provide the materials but feel free to bring photos. Please note, materials affixed to the memory wall cannot be returned. 

Event Parking
Stay tuned for parking updates in our new location - Tower Grove Park!

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 19 semaines pour vous préparer

5k Run/ Walk

13 Oct, 2024 (Dim) - 08:30
5 km
Sur site

1-Mile Run/Walk

13 Oct, 2024 (Dim) - 08:30
1 mi
Sur site


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