Fawn Lake Sprint Triathlons

Spotsylvania Courthouse, VA, USA
25 Août, 2024 (Dim)


750 m, 5 km, 20 km

À propos de l'événement

Fawn Lake Triathlon 2021 
Competitor Instructions 
Course Description and Race Rules 
Sprint Race: This race is open tall ages. The race consists of a 700-meter swim in Fawn Lake, a 
12.332-mile bike-ride through Fawn Lake, and a 5K run on asphalt trails and streets. Fawn Lake is 
a gated community. You will need your race number to gain access to the community. Saturday 
The swim begins and ends on Fawn Lake beach, at the Fawn Lake Community Clubhouse. Swim 
caps are optional and wet suits are not permitted unless the water temperature is below 780  F per 
USAT rules. All USAT rules will be in place. A USAT certified official will be on site. 
Sprint Race Description: The swim begins and ends on Fawn Lake Beach, located adjacent to the 
Community Center. We will be using electronic timing as such a beach start may be used. The swim 
will begin as 1 wave. The swim will be out and back using a reverse triangle The transition area 
will be setup in the FLCC parking lot. Each participant will be allotted ½ of a full-size parking space. 
Bike stands are not provided but optional. Spaces are 1st come first served. Bike helmets are 
required. Electric bikes are not permitted. The bike course will be 2 loops @ 6 miles per loop. It is 
relatively flat. Traffic is typically light and will be controlled. The roads are in particularly good 
condition, with no gravel sections There will be two tight U-Turns on the course. Cones and 
volunteers will be on the course at these areas. The 2nd U-Turn is downhill. Extreme caution is 
expected. You will dismount your bike before a sharp turn into the transition area. The 5K run is 
primarily flat. The outbound route being uphill. The return primarily downhill. There will be one 
water station on the course at @1.5 miles. 
Youth Sprint Races: There are two categories in this race. 
Race 1 is open to ages 12-15. The 12 – 15 event begins with a 225-meter pool swim (9 lengths of 
the pool). Followed by a @ 6-mile bike ride. The course will be one lap of the Sprint course. This is 
a change from previous years. This change was enacted to eliminate the troublesome 1800 turn at 
the transition area. The race will finish with a 2km out and back run. 
Race 2 is open to children ages 6-11. The 6-11 event begins with a 75-meter pool swim (3 lengths) 
followed by a @3 mile out and back bike ride and a 1km run. 
Water aides and Training wheels on bikes are not permitted. Helmets must be worn. Headphones 
are also not permitted. Parents are allowed to ride and run alongside their children in the 6-11 
group only as encouragement. However please refrain from direct assistance. 
Event Schedule: 
Pre-Race Day Packet Pickup  12:00 – 6:00 Aug, 28th 
Competitor Arrival Course Open 
Packet Pickup 
Sprint Triathlon  7:30 
Awards Ceremony  Immediately Following The Race 
Youth 12-15  10:00 
Youth 6-11  11:00 
Awards Ceremony  Immediately Following Both Races 
Fawn Lake Triathlon 2021 
Competitor Instructions 
Payment and Registration: Payment and registration must be made online and with a credit card 
through Arsenal Events until August 5. Adult Super Sprint fees are as follows: $80 for individuals and 
$130 per 3-man relay team. Both youth races are $35. A youth relay option is not offered. After August 
5th all fees increase by $10. Technical shirts will be provided for the adult race, and cotton shirts for the 
youth races. Swim Caps will be provided to all competitors. Shirts sizes are not guaranteed. Online 
registration will close at midnight on August 21. There will be no refunds. 
All participants must complete a USA Triathlon event waiver. The cost is $15 for adult and $10 for 
youth. You must bring a printed copy of the waiver to packet pickup. Parents or legal guardian must 
sign all youth waivers. Per new USAT rules we cannot provide USAT Registration Forms. Registration is 
your responsibility. 
Packet Pickup: You may pick up your race packet at the Fawn Lake Real Estate Office adjacent to 
the Security Entrance (Yellow Bldg on Left Before the Security Gate) on Saturday August 28th 
from 12:00 – 6:00. Race packets can be picked up on race day beginning at 6:15 at the Community 
Center on Longstreet 
Awards: Awards presentation will begin immediately following the completion of the youth races. 
The Overall Male and Female event winners will receive a special award created by The Fawn Lake 
Veterans Group. Medals will be awarded for the top finisher in each age group by gender. Adult 
Sprint age groups are as follows 19 and under and then 5-year age groups starting at 20-24 thru to 
the oldest finisher. Ages to be determined as of December 31st, 2020. Youth age groups are as 
follows: 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13 and 14-15. Youth ages are designated by race distance. And are as 
determined on race day. 
Amenities: A race hospitality table will be provided for all competitors. The table will be open 
post-race. The Fawn Lake Country Club also will be open. Including the Lakeside Grill. 
Parking: Parking will be in the County Club parking lot. Overflow parking is also available at the 
old soccer fields opposite the Sports Park on the left side of Longstreet. Parking management will 
be provided by The Fawn Lake Veterans Group. For those that require overflow parking, you may 
drop off your race equipment at the start/finish line. No trailers (etc.) are permitted at the race 
staging area. You may drop off your gear. Trailer parking will be provided at the Fawn Lake Sports 
Field. Shuttle service will be provided. 


Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 11 semaines pour vous préparer

Fawn Lake Sprint and Youth Triathlons

25 Août, 2024 (Dim) - 07:30
Sur site
  • Natation
    750 m
  • Cyclisme
    20 km
  • Course
    5 km


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