Gaylord Gauntlet

Wallingford, CT, USA
15 Juin, 2024 (Sam)

Course à obstacles

5 km

À propos de l'événement

The Gaylord Gauntlet 5k Trail and Obstacle Run is an annual race held on the Wallingford, CT 400-acre campus of Gaylord Specialty Healthcare, a 137-bed long-term acute care hospital with services for people who experience a life-changing injury or illness. The event is a cornerstone fundraiser of the Hospital, raising funds to benefit the Gaylord Sports Association, a group dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with physical disabilities through adaptive sports and recreation.

The Gauntlet course is a blend of wooden trail and open field running with 24 natural and manmade obstacles. The entire event is coordinated and built by Gaylord Hospital staff & volunteers and includes a Festival Area with local vendors, live music, and food trucks.

The Gaylord Gauntlet is a community event. Runners of all abilities are encouraged to participate.

New this year: This year, runners in the first 10 waves of the day will be eligible for awards. The awards ceremony will take place at 12:30pm on race day.

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 1 semaines pour vous préparer

Gaylord Gauntlet

15 Juin, 2024 (Sam) - 08:00
Course à obstacles
5 km
Sur site


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