H2H Race #3 Team Town Cycle - The Ringwood Rumble

Ringwood, NJ, USA
28 Avr, 2024 (Dim)


4 mi, 11.8 mi, 14.6 mi, 2.5 hrs, 4 hrs

À propos de l'événement

Please note - NJ State Parks require we charge $5 parking - cash only!


All classes except Cat 3's (and Cat 2 Men 10-14) will be doing one long single lap - go big or go home!

Day of Registration will be $50 per class (except juniors), and $60 for endurance. YOU MUST BRING EXACT CHANGE FOR DAY OF REGISTRATION - CASH ONLY! Everyone must have a USAC license - either annual or one day. All info regarding the new licenses can be found here.

Race day registration opens at 7:30 a.m. near the lodge Registration closes 30 minutes before the start of each race. 

Endurance racers - we'll have a special supply station just for you with bananas, water, etc., and where you can leave your supplies.

Pro class will have payouts based on the number of registrations. The more racers in the class, the more we pay out - so get your friends to come race!!

E-bikes are Class 1 only! 

No alcohol at NJSP's - sorry! Dogs are welcome, as long as they are leashed. Ringwood is a Carry In/Carry Out park - please take your trash home with you!  

Also, the state is requiring us to charge $5 for parking. Sorry, this is not our choice. Please don't yell at the person collecting the money, they are doing their job. Please bring cash!

Payouts will be as follows - equal for men and women!

LONGEST-Cat 1-Pro Open………. https://www.strava.com/activities/11137417837
Medium Cat 2 and Endurance… https://www.strava.com/activities/11151884842
Short-Cat 3…...................... https://www.strava.com/activities/11151847800 

Our goal is to have the course marked Friday during the day before the race. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram will have all the latest info.

For more information contact David Kahl 973-418-0623, or by e-mail at [email protected]  .

This is a USA Cycling regulated event and all USAC and H2H rules will be followed. Classes may be combined but will not affect your individual standing for the series.

Check FB or IG for any changes. Course may be altered due to weather conditions. For directions, use 1 Mansion Road, Ringwood. That is the address for the skeet shooting range, but don't drive up into their lot. Park in lot by lake. Make sure you enter on the Morris Road,Ringwood, NJ entrance off of Sloatsburg Road, then follow signage to Shepherd Lake. Do NOT use the Shepherd Road entrance off of Sterling Mine Road. Again, NJ State Parks require a $5 parking fee - cash only!

All entries include $1 to be donated to NJ NICA - supporting the future of mountain biking in NJ!































Courses proposées par cet événement


28 Avr, 2024 (Dim) - 08:45
14.6 mi
1867 pied de dénivelé positif
Sur site
Vae autorisés


28 Avr, 2024 (Dim) - 08:45
11.8 mi
1453 pied de dénivelé positif
Sur site


28 Avr, 2024 (Dim) - 08:45
4 mi
558 pied de dénivelé positif
Sur site


28 Avr, 2024 (Dim) - 08:45
4 hrs
Sur site

Endurance Novice

28 Avr, 2024 (Dim) - 08:45
2.5 hrs
Sur site


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