Hoosier Half Marathon & 5k

Bloomington, IN, USA
13 Avr, 2024 (Sam)


3.1 mi, 13.1 mi

À propos de l'événement

April 13th, 2024 is the date for the 18th running of the Greene & Schultz Hoosier Half Marathon, 5K and 10k. Ivy Tech and the Monroe County Parks and Rec will continue to be the home of the 2024 course.  We are very thankful for our partnership with Ivy Tech, Cook Medical, Simtra, the Monroe County YMCA and the Monroe County Parks & Rec to bring you this challenging course that highlights these businesses and the newly created Karst Park greenway that spans all the way to Ellettsville.  The 5K will run around Cook Medical and up to the NW YMCA before turning around and returning to Ivy Tech.  The 10k option continues past the YMCA and down onto the Karst park greenway before reversing course and returning to Ivy Tech.  The Half Marathon option continues on from there to span all of the new section of the Karst Park greenway and takes you all the way to Ellettsville before reversing course.  After initial feedback on the 2023 course, we want to again caption the saying that this is the TOUGHEST RUN YOU'LL EVER LOVE!!

In a time where nearly everything is increasing in price, we are reducing your costs.  We're happy to pass along that this course is easier to secure, safer and more cost effective.  We want to build your participation back up as well, so we are reducing your cost.  Please help spread the word and get your friends to join us on April 13th, 2024 for the 18th running of the Greene & Schultz Hoosier Half Marathon 5k and 10k!


Courses proposées par cet événement

Half Marathon

13 Avr, 2024 (Sam) - 08:00
13.1 mi
Sur site


13 Avr, 2024 (Sam) - 08:00
3.1 mi
Sur site


13 Avr, 2024 (Sam) - 08:00
0 km
Sur site


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