Lotus Tower Run

4.4 (7 Avis)
Colombo Lotus Tower, Sri Lanka
18 Févr, 2024 (Dim)


5 km, 1125 pas

Courses proposées par cet événement

5K Fun Run

18 Févr, 2024 (Dim) - 16:00
5 km
14 m de dénivelé positif
Sur site

Tower climb

18 Févr, 2024 (Dim) - 16:00
1125 pas
244 m de dénivelé positif
Sur site
En intérieur
Point à point


7 Avis
Rédiger un commentaire
Feb 2024Course
5 km

This is my 1st running event. In general I thought it was well organized and planned. Execution was smooth.

Feb 2024Course
5 km

Event was well organized and fun. Great care was given to ensuring athlete safety.

Utilisateur anonyme d'Ahotu
Feb 2024Course
1125 pas

It was a great event. I participated and completed the Tower run. My only concern is , there was no ventilation up to 10th floor if I'm not wrong. It was really hot and hard to breath. So please make sure to have proper and enough ventilation in each floor.

Utilisateur anonyme d'Ahotu
Feb 2024Course
5 km

Utilisateur anonyme d'Ahotu
Feb 2024Course
5 km

Great event and well organized!

Utilisateur anonyme d'Ahotu
Feb 2024Course
5 km

Really fun and nicely organised event. Flat and easy route with some nice views. Very hot though, so not for the runner who does not like to get a bit sweaty 😅

Utilisateur anonyme d'Ahotu
Feb 2024Course
5 km

It was a pretty fun event and my first time running a 5K! The organisers were quite friendly with their communication. The running path was quite narrow at times and the water station could have been placed at an earlier point. Upon finishing the race I received a medal and a t-shirt.

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