Midwest Canine Obstacle Run

Benton Harbor, MI, USA
08-09 Juin, 2024 (Sam - Dim)

Course à obstacles

1 mi, 5 km


5 km

À propos de l'événement

The Midwest Canine Obstacle Run is a 5k run through the trails at The Woods Fitness Park in Benton Harbor, Michigan.  Participants will compete in the 5k with their canine partners on leash as they tackle wooded trails, creek beds, dirt and water, along with over 40 obstacles to test teams of all abilities.  Run with the best to see how you stack up, or simply enjoy the day with your best friend trying new things and bonding in a beautiful outdoor fitness park.  All ages and abilities are encouraged, as this is more about your pups than anything else.  There will be finisher medals and hat, award medals, food and beer tent, live music, vendors, overnight camping and much more as you make lifetime memories with your furry friends.  So sign up today as we bring a whole new kind of fun to the Midwest!


Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez moins d'une semaine pour vous préparer

Midwest Canine Obstacle Run

08 Juin, 2024 (Sam) - 08:00
Course à obstacles
5 km
Sur site

Sunday Dog Friendly 5k

09 Juin, 2024 (Dim) - 09:00
5 km
Sur site

Kids Obstacle Run

09 Juin, 2024 (Dim) - 10:00
Course à obstacles
1 mi
Sur site


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