Motus Knoxville Triathlon

Knoxville, TN, USA
02 Juin, 2024 (Dim)


1200 m, 4.6 mi, 15.4 mi

À propos de l'événement

The Motus Triathlon Series moves to Knoxville, TN to bring one of the toughest and most exciting triathlons on the circuit.

Only two miles from downtown, Knoxville’s Urban Wilderness presents a unique urban playground for mountain bikers and trail runners alike. Winding through the Urban Wilderness, participants will encounter plenty of rocks, roots, and climbing to test their grit. Motus Knoxville will take participants through five parks, featuring the old quarries and hills of East Tennessee with a perfect balance of neighborhood backyard feel.

Courses proposées par cet événement


02 Juin, 2024 (Dim) - 08:00
Sur site
  • Natation
    1200 m
  • Cyclisme
    15.4 mi
  • Trail
    4.6 mi


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