Owl's Roost Rumble Trail

Greensboro, NC, USA
26 Avr, 2025 (Sam)


4 mi, 13.1 mi

À propos de l'événement

This late spring trail shows off some of the best parts of the Greensboro watershed trails!  Greensboro is known for its gorgeous watershed trails, and we are lucky enough to have our spring race utilizing some of the most iconic trails in the system.  The course will use trails on the Southside of Lake Brandt in 2024 due to construction on the greenway.  These trails have varying degrees of difficulty.  Owls Roost trail is hilly and rooty, while others like Palmetto, Nat Greene offer a bit of a relief from the hills and much friendlier terrain.  All in all it is a gorgeous course that is extremely well marked, and a great course for both beginners and seasoned vets alike! For those not yet up to 13 miles we have a 4 mile option.  This event is part of the Trivium Trail Mega Medal Series and will act as the third race in this year series!

Registration is limited to 500 total participants. Sign up early as this race sells out each year.


Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 46 semaines pour vous préparer

Half Marathon

26 Avr, 2025 (Sam) - 08:30
13.1 mi
Sur site

4 Mile Run/Walk

26 Avr, 2025 (Sam) - 08:45
4 mi
Sur site


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