PA Gravel Fest

Gaines, PA, USA
12 Sept, 2024 (Jeu)


120 mi

À propos de l'événement

Are you one of those people that are starting to pace, thinking about the onset of winter? Do you often feel bored on your current bike rides and are left wanting for something more? Is your Peloton screen starting to make your eyes glaze over? Fear not dear fellow cyclists, the 1st annual PA Gravel Fest is here! Come on over with the family and enjoy a good challenge before hibernation mode sets in. The ride will showcase the beautiful PA Wilds and part of the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon. You have the option of a standard ride package spanning across 120 miles, or step it up with accommodations including primitive sites or utility hook up. Looking to bring the whole cheer squad? Reach out to the office regarding cabin and house accommodations. 

Here's the nitty gritty: One aid station will be located along each halfway point on the course. Stations will have water, an electrolyte replacer, and simple snacks. The rest is on you during the course so pack light and pack smart. If you've never accepted such a challenge, BUT you're super stoked to proceed, contact us ahead of time and we can give you a rough outline of what you may need. Don't worry, there will be a few sweepers to make sure nobody gets left behind because we know that life happens.

We'll start off Thursday night with a warm up ride. You know you need this, Great Aunt Mildred can outpace you. Shoot the breeze with fellow riders and get your head in the game. Mileage is approximately 20 miles with an easy pace. Are you shaking your head right now after that last bit? Not us, we eat our Popeye spinach in the morning and so should you. Buck up, you've got this. This is your introduction to some gnarly muscles and psychological warfare. 

Friday morning the battle commences.  Mileage is approximately 52 miles with a boring 4200 ft elevation. This course is not for those that skip "Leg Day". This course is for the early morning risers, the Get'R Done folks, and those that are brave enough to accept anything and stupid enough not to care. We love these kind of people!

Saturday morning we hit it again. I know you're not tired yet, pull up those big kid panties, you're going to rock it! We'll cruise another 52 miles with barely a 5100ft elevation. What? You're tired? No, you're not. You're awesome and you know it. Blast through this day like the rock star you are. 

You'll receive your GPS course link within the week prior to the race. Don't get all excited, the unknown is always the best adventure. We like to keep the course classified so Captain America isn't able to take a few rides and leave the rest of us hanging in the breeze. 

Ceramic mugs and a hoodie will be given at the finish line along with a high five or thumbs up if you prefer! When you're finished, and maybe glistening with gusto at that point, enjoy an meal, music, and some adult beverages with our friends at Danny's Whiskey Wagon. All riders will receive one free drink ticket Friday and Saturday, BUT you just completed some nonsensical awesomeness so think about purchasing another in honor of your bravery. We love a good campfire, hello morale booster, and we think you will too. It warms the soul and so will your fancy new mug to display your newfound glory. Families are welcome to celebrate your fine work at the finish line, after all we are hanging out at a family campground. Why not make it a weekend adventure and stay? Accommodation packages are just a step up so you have time to ice down those sore muscles and get back at it.

Stay classy and we'll see you soon!

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 14 semaines pour vous préparer

120 miles

12 Sept, 2024 (Jeu) - 17:00
3 étapes
120 mi
Sur site


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