Pint to Pint Half Marathon

Lena, IL, USA
19 Oct, 2024 (Sam)


13.1 mi


13.1 mi

À propos de l'événement

We are excited to announce Stephenson County's newest athletic event, the Pint to Pint Half Marathon, debuting on October 14, 2023, at 8:00 AM. As this race is a part of our Annual Support Campaign, the money we raise each year helps make it possible for children, families, seniors, neighbors, and others to benefit from YMCA programs and memberships at a discounted rate.  

This event will showcase some of Stephenson County's finest countryside AND tourist attractions. Our race will begin at Generations Brewing Company and wind through city streets, county roads, and the Jane Addams Trail. (This is a mixed surface race) The finish line will be at Wishful Acres Farm & Brewery, where all finishers will receive a Finisher's Pint Glass and a celebratory pour.  

We expect participants from all over the Midwest to join us in this unique race, as it is Stephenson County's only half-marathon. The primary focus will be the half marathon run.

Racers will park at Wishful Acres Farm and Brewery and be shuttled to the start line. 

Race day info for runners:

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 20 semaines pour vous préparer

Half Marathon - Fun Cycling Ride

19 Oct, 2024 (Sam) - 07:30
13.1 mi
Sur site

Half Marathon

19 Oct, 2024 (Sam) - 08:00
13.1 mi
Sur site


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