Steelman Racing Triathlon - PA

Quakertown, PA, USA
04 Août, 2024 (Dim)


0.5 mi, 0.9 mi, 3.1 mi, 6.2 mi, 13.3 mi, 24.6 mi

À propos de l'événement

The 20th annual Steelman Racing Triathlon will be held on August 4th, 2024 at Lake Nockamixon State Park in Quakertown, Pennsylvania. Why should you race the Steelman Racing Triathlon? It's because this race has it all! It is perfect for the veteran triathlete looking for a challenging event to hone their skills, or for new triathletes exploring the sport for the first time. The swim, bike, and run conditions for this race could not be better and this course is waiting to test your endurance. In early August, the water temperature in Lake Nockamixon will be in the mid ’70s. The bike portion of the race is held on the rolling hills of Route 563 on the COMPLETELY CLOSED bike course! Racers have complete rule over the freshly paved roads allowing them to focus solely on performing at their highest level. The only vehicles on the course will be the race support vehicles assisting athletes with mechanical needs. To end your epic day of racing, the shaded tree-lined run course hugs the majestic lake providing athletes with great views and multiple aid stations. The new improved ending to the run course provides one of the best finishes athletes will ever experience and allows family and friends the opportunity to cheer all Steelman Finishers on as they complete their perfect day of racing. This is a perfect mid-summer race and Steelman Racing can’t wait to see you there!

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 8 semaines pour vous préparer


04 Août, 2024 (Dim) - 07:15
Sur site
  • Natation
    0.9 mi
  • Cyclisme
    24.6 mi
  • Course
    6.2 mi


04 Août, 2024 (Dim) - 07:30
Sur site
  • Natation
    0.5 mi
  • Cyclisme
    13.3 mi
  • Course
    3.1 mi


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