Summer Solstice Daybreak 5k

West Chester, PA, USA
22 Juin, 2024 (Sam)


5 km

À propos de l'événement

This is a great way to start your summer vacation.  Get out for an early morning 5k in West Chester. It's a great chance to beat the heat. There will be 3 Daybreak Races this summer. The other dates are July 20 and August 17.

This is going to be a no frills race.   Please follow the guidelines below to keep everyone safe.  


There will be no restrooms available.You are responsible for bringing your own water.  We will not provide any water stops.All registrations will be done via RunSignup.  No cash transactions.Packet pick up will be on race morning starting at 5:30 AM in the alley behind the High Street Parking Garage(Pearl Alley).The streets will not be closed to traffic.  You may have to run on the sidewalks at times.  The course will be marked but there will be no course marshals.  The race will start and finish at different locations.  The race will be chip timed and the results be at this web-site.  Everyone will start together.There will be a 35:00 time limit for the 5k.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 2 semaines pour vous préparer


22 Juin, 2024 (Sam) - 06:00
5 km
Sur site


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