Takelma Gravel Grinder

Canyonville, OR, USA
22 Juin, 2024 (Sam)


56 mi

À propos de l'événement


Saturday, June 22, 2024, 8:00AM



Seven Feathers Casino Resort

Canyonville, OR



$95 – Bold (56 miles 6,000’ 15% max)

Bold Tickets increased to $105 on 05/31/2024


Max Participation is 200, so don't miss-out! 


Harold Phillips

[email protected]

Event Website: takelmagravelgrinder.com


The Ride

Seven Feathers Casino Resort, nestled among tall Douglas firs and pine trees, just off Interstate 5, at exit 99, in Canyonville, Oregon, is the beginning of the Takelma Gravel Grinder. Riders will ride a 57-mile Bold route. The ride begins by taking riders through the doors of the casino before rolling towards the town of Canyonville and onto rural, Tiller Trail Highway. Passing farm and ranch landscapes along the South Umpqua River, soon you’re into the gravel experience with the first climb of the ride. A challenging 1.3-mile KOM climbing effort 9% average gain, then cresting to a spectacular valley view of Days Creek.  During the ride, aid stations with electrolyte drinks and food will be provided, as well as SAG vehicles.

Riders will continue on towards Chief Miwaleta Park and along the scenic view of Galesville Reservoir. We then return to Seven Feathers Casino Resort to relax at Squatchee Fest, formerly the Bites, Blues & Brews Festival, enjoying food and beverage from the Seven Feathers Food Truck, compliments of the race organizers.


Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 2 semaines pour vous préparer

Takelma Bold Route 56 Miler

22 Juin, 2024 (Sam) - 08:30
56 mi
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