Cet événement est annulé

TC3 Super Sprint Club Triathlon

Friant, CA, USA
24 Juin, 2023 (Sam)


300 yd, 2.2 mi, 10.5 mi

À propos de l'événement

Come out and celebrate triathlon with your fellow TC3 members. The event is included with you TC3 membership.

Located at the boat ramp on the Madera side will be a transition just for you. We will have a fun 400 yd swim set up your turn bouys bring unicorns and fun animals. Once on the bike you will do 2 Laps out to entry booth and back. It will total 10.5 miles. Right along millerton lake. Finally throw on your running shoes and go for a quick 2.2 mile run. There will be a water aid station at the turnout.

Every participant will receive a TC3 swim cap at the start. When you cross the finish line you will receive a tc3 water bottle filled with ice cold water.

A big thank you to Ray and Sierra cascades for providing the timing and other race support.

Courses proposées par cet événement

Super Sprint Triathlon

24 Juin, 2023 (Sam)
Sur site
  • Natation
    300 yd
  • Cyclisme
    10.5 mi
  • Course
    2.2 mi


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