The Bristol Mountain Challenge - NY

Canandaigua, NY, USA
27 Avr, 2024 (Sam)


15 mi, 35 mi

À propos de l'événement

nysbra,  USA Cycling, GVCC Racing, & WNYBRC present the:


Bristol Mountain Challenge


sponsored by:

The Ide Family of Dealerships

supported by:

RV&E Bike and Skate


 Event held under USA Cycling Permit # 2024-9190 rain, snow, or shine. Event follows USA Cycling's rulebook located at USA Cycling's “First Time Racer Guide”: Promoter reserves the right to combine or cancel fields. Any field with less than five pre-registered racers may be cancelled. If cancelled, promoter will provide a full refund. Any field with less than ten registered racers may be combined into another field. Course is subject to change. Check-in opens on the day of the event at 9:00 AM and closes at 9:50 AM.An annual or one day USA Cycling license is required to take part in the event. The Western New York Bike Racing Club will cover the cost of a one-day license for all “Lite” registrants. For all other fields, one day licenses are available for an additional $15 (Beginner) or $35 (Experienced). More information on one-day USA Cycling licenses can be found here: If you would like to get a USA Cycling membership visit!/c/pricing.If not using a one-day license, current annual USA Cycling license or annual international cycling license must be presented at sign in. Proof may be in the form of a physical license or using the “My USAC” mobile application. Racer may be asked for photo identification to verify identity. Full 35 mile Bristol Mountain Challenge Route & Profile: “Lite” 15 mile Bristol Mountain Challenge Route & Profile: Please support our race sponsors and supporters by clicking on hyperlink pictures, logos, and text.Generous race grants provided by GVCC Racing.

Courses proposées par cet événement

35 miles

27 Avr, 2024 (Sam) - 10:00
35 mi
Sur site

15 miles

27 Avr, 2024 (Sam) - 10:15
15 mi
Sur site


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