Tour de Perry

Perry, NY, USA
13 Juill, 2024 (Sam)


18 mi, 32 mi, 53 mi

À propos de l'événement

We have the date set for 2024! Join us July 13th starting at 8AM for a fun event around Wyoming County and Letchworth State Park depending on the distance you choose. 

Every registration includes: A Swag Item, SAG Support along the course and a bib to commemorate your ride.  


Are you looking for a relaxing ride along quiet scenic roads around Silver Lake and the Letchworth valley? Then the Loop de Lake is for you! 17 miles of a mostly flat ride around Silver Lake and along the surrounding countryside. This family friendly ride will have everyone smiling with joy.

Official Map for Loop de Lake:

If you're looking for a bit more of a challenge, but not quite ready for the Letchworth Loop, try the Loop de Longer. You'll travel 31 miles and experience a bit of both routes!

Official Map for Loop de Longer:

If a more challenging day is what you prefer, then ride the Letchworth Loop. This ride will take you 53 miles with 3000' of climbing up and down hills through Wyoming County. The ride is recommended for the serious cyclist only!


After your ride be sure to check out the Perry Chalk Art Festival that starts at 8:30AM and more information can be found here:



Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 6 semaines pour vous préparer

Loop de Letchworth

13 Juill, 2024 (Sam) - 08:00
53 mi
Sur site

Loop de Longer

13 Juill, 2024 (Sam) - 08:05
32 mi
Sur site

Loop de Lake

13 Juill, 2024 (Sam) - 08:10
18 mi
Sur site


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