Trail to Tryon

New Bern, NC, USA
09 Nov, 2024 (Sam)


5 km, 10 km, 21.1 km

À propos de l'événement

Trail to Tryon is three separate events: 1/2 Marathon, 10K, and a 5K. All three events for 2024 will be offered as either an in-person event or as a virtual run/walk.

Trail to Tryon follows routes through historic neighborhoods, and through downtown New Bern. In addition to the in-person races, Race to Tryon will continue to offer all three options as virtual events for 2024.

In-person 1/2 Marathon and the 10K courses feature a run through the downtown historic district as well as iconic Union Point Park. All three courses, 5K-10K-1/2 marathon, include a run through downtown and the beautiful residential district. Then the courses wind though historic New Bern, Trent Woods and iconic waterfront parks . The races all finish on the waterfront behind the NC History Center. A finish line celebration for all participants will be held at Bate Commons (Behind the History Center) from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Food, soft drinks, and beer will be served and awards given to the top three male and female times in each age category.

$75= Half Marathon (November 9)
$60=10K (November 9)
$45=5K (November 9)

Age Group Categories:
Age 15 to 19
Age 20 to 24
Age 25 to 29
Age 30 to 34
Age 35 to 39
Age 40 to 44
Age 45 to 49
Age 50 to 54
Age 55 to 59
Age 60 to 64
Age 65 to 69
Age 70 and over

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 22 semaines pour vous préparer

Virtual Half Marathon

Course virtuelle
09-12 Nov, 2024 (Sam - Mar) - 00:00
21.1 km

Virtual 10k

Course virtuelle
09-12 Nov, 2024 (Sam - Mar) - 00:00
10 km

Virtual 5k

Course virtuelle
09-12 Nov, 2024 (Sam - Mar) - 00:00
5 km

Half Marathon

09 Nov, 2024 (Sam) - 07:00
21.1 km
Sur site

10 km

09 Nov, 2024 (Sam) - 07:30
10 km
Sur site

5 km

09 Nov, 2024 (Sam) - 08:15
5 km
Sur site


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