Wizard Run | OKC

Oklahoma City, OK, USA
28 Oct, 2023 (Sam)


1 mi, 5 km, 4 mi

À propos de l'événement

Grab your wand, hop on your broomstick, and join us for the Kansa City Wizard Run! Take a magical journey through town with spellbinding sights and sounds along the way! Distances include a 5K, 1 mile fun run, or if you are up to the Chosen One Challenge - BOTH!

New for 2023: Every Wizard Run Event begins with our Grand Sorcerer teaching all attendees two bewitching new spells. The first causes a low fog to gather over the enchanted start gate and prepares those gathered for the next, more powerful spell. Once the low fog has taken over the ground on which we stand, the Grand Sorcerer will start the race with a spell that calls forth magical music, sends otherworldly sparks and colorful magic into the air, and ends with a loud horn to launch the witches and wizards on their run through the enchanted start gate!

Proper Wizard and Witch robes and regalia (costumes) are highly encouraged!

Courses proposées par cet événement

1 Mile Run/Walk

28 Oct, 2023 (Sam) - 07:30
1 mi
Sur site

The Chosen One Challenge (1 Mile + 5k)

28 Oct, 2023 (Sam) - 07:30
4 mi
Sur site

5k Run/Walk

28 Oct, 2023 (Sam) - 08:00
5 km
Sur site


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