Birkie Tour: Tour by Day/Race by Night

Cable, WI, USA
25 Jan, 2025 (Sam)

Ski de fond

10 km, 20 km

À propos de l'événement

During the day, Tour portions of the Birkie Skate and Classic trails, along with newly revamped trails around Mt. Telemark. Choose your distance and course on the marked trails. Enjoy lunch and rest-up, then grab your headlamp for a race under the stars!  

The Night Race will start and finish at the American Birkebeiner Trailhead and will utilize a variety of trails around Mt. Telemark and the Birkie Start. Choose between an individual 10K race or grab a teammate and take on two loops skiing together for a 20K challenge! 

Day Tour: any distanceNight Race:   Individual: 10K, individual 2-person Team: 20K each, skiing entire course together; time is second person across the finish line Combo: Select Day Tour + either Night Race option and SAVE!

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 31 semaines pour vous préparer

Day Tour - Any Distance

25 Jan, 2025 (Sam) - 11:00
Ski de fond

Night Race - Individual 10K

25 Jan, 2025 (Sam) - 18:00
Ski de fond
10 km
Sur site
Course nocturne

Night Race - 2-person Team: 20K each

25 Jan, 2025 (Sam) - 18:00
Ski de fond
20 km
Sur site
Course nocturne


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