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Birthday Bash and Dash

Edition 11

Avon Lake, OH, USA
04 Juill, 2018 (Mer)


1.5 mi, 5 km


5 km

À propos de l'événement

So hard to believe, but this year will be the ELEVENTH annual SFSF Bash and Dash! Held each year on July 4th at Walker Road Park, the event commemorates the life and birthday of little Sophie Quayle, who passed away on October 6, 2007 from a rare brain tumor (DIPG), at the tender age of four.

The major fundraiser of SFSF, a foundation established in Sophie's memory and honor, the event has attracted over 1000 participants each year. In its tenth year, SFSF anticipates the crowd to be even bigger, increasing the number of ten-year runners to over 10,000! Wow, 10,000 adults and children running/walking for a cause so precious to Sophie's memory and the mission of The Foundation, followed by typical birthday party fun!!

Please join us for this milestone event. Commemorate Sophie's July 4th birthday. Celebrate our nation's freedom. Help create freedom from pediatric brain cancer.

Courses proposées par cet événement

5K Walk - Ages 11 and Up

04 Juill, 2018 (Mer) - 09:00
5 km

1.5 Mile Walk - Ages 10 and Under

04 Juill, 2018 (Mer) - 09:00
1.5 mi

5K Run - Ages 11 and Up

04 Juill, 2018 (Mer) - 09:00
5 km

5K Run - Ages 10 and Under

04 Juill, 2018 (Mer) - 09:00
5 km

1.5 Mile Walk - Ages 11 and Up

04 Juill, 2018 (Mer) - 09:00
1.5 mi

5K Walk - Ages 10 and Under

04 Juill, 2018 (Mer) - 09:00
5 km


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