Central Valley Warrior 5K Walk/Run

Monaca, PA, USA
13 Août, 2016 (Sam)


5 km

À propos de l'événement

Please join us as Central Valley hosts the Warrior 5k Run/Walk.  The event will start and end at the Walter R. & Lois A. Sylvester Wellness Center at Central Valley High School-Located at 160 Baker Road Extension, Monaca, PA 15061. The course will include starting at the High School Football Field, running onto Baker Road and passing CCBC, to Center Grange Elementary, and back to Central Valley HS Campus, ending at the Wellness Center.

This event will raise money in order provide health and wellness equipment to our community members and students of the Central Valley School District.  Our vision is to create healthier opportunities for our Central Valley Community, by connecting wellness education with recreation.  Start time will be 8:30 AM, awards presented to overall male and female finishers, as well as top finishers in each age group.

Courses proposées par cet événement

Warrior 5K Walk/Run

13 Août, 2016 (Sam) - 00:00
5 km


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