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EX2 Rendezvous Run and Ride - Spring

02 Avr, 2016 (Sam)


10 km, 21.097 km

À propos de l'événement

The EX2 Rendezvous will bring together trail runners and mountain bikers for a full day of adventure sports mayhem. We will start the day with a half marathon and 10K followed by a cross country mountain bike race in the afternoon. Race in either or both – you choose.

The EX2 Rendezvous will offer a full age group and class breakdown for each race type. For those looking to challenge themselves at both sports, Run and Ride classes will also be offered.

Choose the Sport Run and Ride class to combine the 10K and 2 laps MTB race or select the Elite Run and Ride class to combine the Half Marathon and 3 lap MTB race. For the Run and Ride classes, the top 5 male and female racers with the lowest combined time for both events will be standing on the podium. We are super excited about this new race format and predict one great day out on the trails!


Courses proposées par cet événement


02 Avr, 2016 (Sam) - 08:00
10 km
Sur site


02 Avr, 2016 (Sam) - 08:00
21.097 km
Sur site


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