Fenn Valley Vine Wine'd

Fennville, MI, USA
07 Oct, 2017 (Sam)


1 mi, 3.1 mi, 6.2 mi

À propos de l'événement

Join us for the most unique race of the season, a scenic 10K or 5K or 1 mile tour of our premium wine grape vineyards and surrounding farm. Wine’ding through vineyards, meadow, and numerous forested ecosystems, the network of trails was created by our vineyard manager to showcase the diverse beauty of the property.

2016 marks the fourth year of this annual event. Fenn Valley continues to plant new acres of vineyard, allowing return participants the opportunity to witness the progression of vineyards and wine literally from the ground up. As October is the heart of wine grape harvest, the sights, smells, and taste of harvest will envelop you as you wine’d your way through one of our two courses. The 5K is a timed race on a challenging sanctioned trail course, and the 1 mile is not timed and is set on an easier course


10K/5K trail (timed) or 1 mile (untimed) course
Custom authentic MI Awesome T-Shirt
Fenn Valley wine glass
Complimentary glass of wine or sparkling grape juice
Post-race vineyard party including live music

Courses proposées par cet événement


07 Oct, 2017 (Sam) - 10:00
6.2 mi


07 Oct, 2017 (Sam) - 10:05
3.1 mi

1 Mile

07 Oct, 2017 (Sam) - 10:10
1 mi


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