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Footsteps for Food

Denver, CO, USA
01-11 Sept, 2021 (Mer - Sam)


5 km

À propos de l'événement

This is a family and pet friendly 5k walk/run. Proceeds go to Community Ministry of Southwest Denver toward helping meet the basic needs of qualified people in Denver who are experiencing economic hardships and related problems. This is done by providing food to over 45,000 individuals and clothing to over 1,000 children as well a helping with utilities and finding resources both on and off-site.  Kids 10 and under may participate free of charge, but must be registered. 

Prizes included in the virtual and in-person events will be given for:

Group with most participantsGroup that raises the most moneyIndividual that raises the most moneyBest Group Name

Additional prizes for the in-person event:

Cutest Dog participatingFastest across the finish line in a variety of age ranges

Courses proposées par cet événement

Footsteps4Food - Virtual

Course virtuelle
01-11 Sept, 2021 (Mer - Sam) - 00:01
5 km

Footsteps4Food In-Person

11 Sept, 2021 (Sam) - 09:00
5 km
Sur site


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