Global Running Day - Fpo, AE

Lentini, Italy
05 Juin, 2024 (Mer)


3.1 mi

À propos de l'événement

Enjoy Global Running Day with MWR Fitness. Run a 5K with us to connect with other runners and celebrate the best day of the year!


Meet us outside the NAS II gym at 1645 and you’ll be off and running by 1700. 


Global Running Day is a worldwide celebration of running that encourages people of all ages and abilities to get moving. This day plays an important role, reminding us of the positives that running can offer to our physical and mental health and the power of unification. Let's run together on Global Running Day to celebrate our love of running and take strides toward healthier and more active lives.

Courses proposées par cet événement


05 Juin, 2024 (Mer) - 17:00
3.1 mi
Sur site


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