Hood Canal Salmon Run 5K

Belfair, WA, USA
15 Juin, 2024 (Sam)


5 km

À propos de l'événement

The 5K course offers a flat, unpaved trail around the beautiful Union River Estuary. Whether you're an experienced runner or just looking to take in the views and fresh air, this event is perfect for all skill levels. Run or walk beautiful estuary trails and support the next generation of Hood Canal stewards at the first annual Hood Canal Salmon Run 5K! This fundraiser supports the Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group’s mission of connecting people, land, and salmon through restoration, education, and research. This year, proceeds from the 5K will directly support our educational programs, namely our Farm Stewards (ages 7-11) and Explore the Fjord (ages 12-16) summer camps, both of which rely on community donations. Through these camps, we foster meaningful connections between local youth and the Hood Canal through affordable, hands-on summer learning. This event will happen, rain or shine. Hosted by the Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group (HCSEG, The Salmon Center) and our sponsors.

Event details and schedule

Hood Canal Salmon Run 5K!

Saturday, June 15th, 2024 @ The Salmon Center

Check in: Starts at 8:00am

Run/walk start time: 9:00am (staggered)

Route: We'll utilize the Union River Estuary Preserve Trail system, with the route to be determined. Stay up to date on more details on our website! https://www.pnwsalmoncenter.org/hood-canal-salmon-run/

Courses proposées par cet événement

5 km

15 Juin, 2024 (Sam) - 08:00
5 km
Sur site


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