Make A Difference - Saint Joseph, MN

Saint Joseph, MN, USA
14 Sept, 2024 (Sam)


1 km, 5 km

À propos de l'événement

Make A Difference With INDY!!!

The first Make A Difference Run/Walk!

St. Cloud Toyota is making a difference with INDY on Saturday, September 14th. There will be a 1k and a 5k run/walk. The 5k event will be timed by Pickle Events. The 1k will not be a timed event.

The 1k is a superhero theme. A superhero cape is included in the 1k registration. Feel free to wear a superhero costume along with the provided cape! The 1k will begin at 9:30 am. The 5k will start at 10:00 am. KPower Yoga will be prepping the 5k runners with warm up stretching starting at 9:45 am so be sure to show up early and get some stretching in before the run! After the 5k, KPower will also be help everyone cool down with some after-run yoga and stretching!

As soon as you are finished cooling down, you and any family and friends that come to support you are welcome to hang out and party at the event in The Little Saints Academy parking lot. Please be sure to make time for the warm up and cool down! We plan to have vendors and activities for everyone.

This will be a family friendly event for all levels, including walkers that just want to come out and support a good cause, enjoy the fresh air, and hopefully some good weather!

Bad Habit Brewing will be hosting an afterparty just a few blocks away starting at noon with a band and a food truck. Bad Habit will also be brewing a special batch of Lemon Hangup Beer for the weekend and every pint sold will donate $1 to INDY!

Even if you do not want to run/walk, feel free to come hang out and support a great cause!

We will offer Race Day registration Friday and Saturday for $55.

Runner's Shirts:
A shirt will be included with your registration for the 5k and a cape will be included in your registration of the 1k. Additional shirts and capes may be purchased separately.
Shirt sizes are ONLY guaranteed for registrations prior to midnight on August 31st.
Race day t-shirts are distributed on a “first come, first served” basis.

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 15 semaines pour vous préparer


14 Sept, 2024 (Sam) - 09:30
1 km
Sur site


14 Sept, 2024 (Sam) - 10:00
5 km
Sur site


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