Miami Mile

Miami, FL, USA
25 Mai, 2024 (Sam)


1 mi

À propos de l'événement

Join Us for the Miami Mile at Tropical Park Track!
This Saturday 5/25/2024 at 7:00 PM

Location: Tropical Park Track, Miami

Event Details:
Whether you're an avid runner aiming to beat your personal mile time, a competitor looking to race others, or simply someone who wants to challenge themselves, the Miami Mile is the perfect event for you!

Free Entry: This event is open to everyone at no cost.
Official Timing: Your mile will be professionally timed by a certified timing company, giving you accurate results.
Fun and Competitive: Enjoy the thrill of racing in a friendly and supportive environment.
All Skill Levels Welcome: Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned runner, the Miami Mile is designed for all.
Why You Should Join:
Challenge Yourself: Push your limits and see how fast you can run a mile.
Race Others: Enjoy the camaraderie and competition with fellow runners.
Achieve Personal Goals: Track your progress over time with official timing.
Community Event: Meet new people and be part of the vibrant Miami running community.
Bring your friends, family, or just yourself for an evening of fitness and fun under the Miami sky. The Miami Mile is more than just a race; it's an opportunity to test your limits and celebrate your achievements.

See you at the Tropical Park Track at 7 PM! Let's run, race, and set new personal bests together!

Courses proposées par cet événement

1 Mile

25 Mai, 2024 (Sam) - 19:00
1 mi
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