Muster 5K Ruck March / Run / Walk

Huntsville, TX, USA
07 Sept, 2024 (Sam)


3.1 mi

À propos de l'événement

The 6th annual HEARTS Museum of Texas Muster Festival takes place on the grounds of this historic museum.  The 5K Ruck / Fun March is a fun event.  Participants can choose to walk or run with or without a ruck sack.  




Is this a fun run or a race?

Both! The 5K can be considered a fun run or walk, since it’s an easy 3.1 miles. That doesn’t mean the 5K can’t be a race either!

How much weight do I need to carry in my rucksack?

No requirement

Can I bring my kids or stroller?

Yes, families with children are encouraged to sign up. Parents or guardian must be in close proximity of ALL children in attendance.


Dogs are welcome, but please keep them on a leash at all times and clean up after them!


Headphones are perfectly fine, but stay alert and keep the volume down to hear any important announcements or instructions from the course staff.

In the event of an Emergency

We urge everyone to carry a cell phone in the event that you or someone you see gets injured. If you need assistance with a golf cart or medical personnel, or are unable to finish the route and need to be picked up, please call 936-714-1338. We will have a golf cart and medical personnel on site. Remember, if necessary, please dial 911.


Event details and schedule

Free t-shirt for all registered prior to August 30, 2024
Pre-Race Day: Packet pick-up and registration (10:00 AM -4:00 PM)
7:00 AM Registration/packet pick up
$40 - 5K RUCK / FUN MARCH (Before August 31st) Pre-Registration
$45 - August 31, 2024 - September 7, 2024
Pre-Registered (Before September 2nd) participants get special edition t-shirt.
Honoring Military Veterans
Register at or
For more information: (936) 714-1338 or [email protected]

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 11 semaines pour vous préparer

5K Walk/Run/Ruck

07 Sept, 2024 (Sam)
3.1 mi
Sur site


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