Peekskill’s Got Pride Color Run

Peekskill, NY, USA
01 Juin, 2024 (Sam)


3 mi

À propos de l'événement

Join Run PB in collaboration with Peekskill Pride for the Peekskill’s Got Pride Color Run on 6/1 for a 5K Fun Run dedicated to celebrating Pride Month—with a splash of color! There will be color stations at approximately each 1km mark so wear white clothing that you don't mind getting "rainbowed" along the way. The run will kickoff at 10am sharp and follow a route mostly along the beautiful Peekskill waterfront. Participants will receive a themed t-shirt (if registered before 5/18) and a beer or soft drink at the end of the run. There will also be prizes for the top three overall male, female and nonbinary finishers. Join us in showing love for our LGBTQ community and spend a morning drenched in local pride.

Packet pickup will begin at 9am at The Central. There is free parking in Peekskill on weekends in the spaces in front of the Central, the lots around Peekskill Brewery and also near the playground on the waterfront. 

Courses proposées par cet événement

5K Color Run

01 Juin, 2024 (Sam) - 10:00
3 mi
Sur site
Color run


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