Cet événement est annulé

Roanoke Canal Half Marathon & 8K

12 Sept, 2020 (Sam)


5 km, 8 km, 13.1 mi

À propos de l'événement

Race Description/Details:
The Roanoke Canal Half Marathon and 8k is a trail race that follows the Roanoke Canal, which was built in 1823. Money raised at the event will aid future programs and events at the Roanoke Canal Museum and Trail and the Roanoke Rapids Parks and Recreation Department.

Registration Fees/Dates/Categories:
Registration for the Marathon is $60 until 2/14; increases to $65 on 2/15 until race day; $70 on race day.

Registration for the 8k starts at $30 and increases to $40 on race day.

**Race day registration and Packet Pickup will begin at 6 a.m. at 100 Oakwood Avenue**

Awards will be presented for Top Overall M/F, as well as M/F in the following Categories: Youth (17 and under), 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 and 70+

Medals will be provided to all Half Marathon Finishers.

The Half Marathon and 8k will both take place on the Roanoke Canal Trail. The natural surface trail is generally flat with a few hills. As runners travel back in time along the historic trail, they will pass over several culverts that were installed during construction of the canal in the 1820's. Runners in both races will also pass by the large bulkhead that diverted water into the canal during the years it was used to generate electricity for the local mills. Those who choose to run the half marathon will actually run through the old aqueduct, which is widely regarded as an engineering feat well before its time.

There will be a three hour course limit for the event.

Coming in from out of town? Check out www.visithalifax.com for information on pre- and post- race activities for the whole family!

Courses proposées par cet événement

Half Marathon

12 Sept, 2020 (Sam)
13.1 mi
Sur site


12 Sept, 2020 (Sam)
5 km
Sur site


12 Sept, 2020 (Sam)
8 km
Sur site


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