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Rock the Wall 5k

Edition 2

Pottstown, PA, USA
18 Mars, 2017 (Sam)


5 km, 10 km

À propos de l'événement

Chip Timed      Two water stations      Refreshments (hot cider and hot chocolate)        (Restaurant food)

Photographer along the route and FREE (yes we said free) downloadable pictures from the East Coventry Township web site


Jogging strollers, walkers and pets are welcome, but please keep in mind that this is a part open road and trail course!


Courses proposées par cet événement


18 Mars, 2017 (Sam) - 10:00
5 km
Awards: The first three runners male and female will get a Road Runners Gift Card. $25 for 1st Place, $15 for 2nd Place, and $10 for 3rd Place. Medals will be given on each race male/female 14 & under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+
All runners get an American Apparel Unisex Long Sleeve Thermal
if registered by February 26th, 2016


18 Mars, 2017 (Sam) - 10:00
10 km
Awards: The first three runners male and female will get a Road Runners Gift Card. $25 for 1st Place, $15 for 2nd Place, and $10 for 3rd Place. Medals will be given on each race male/female 14 & under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+
All runners get an American Apparel Unisex Long Sleeve Thermal
if registered by February 26th, 2016


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