Run for the Roses - Lexington, MI

Lexington, MI, USA
03 Mai, 2025 (Sam)


3.1 mi

À propos de l'événement

Join us SATURDAY, MAY 4th in downtown Lexington MI for the 2nd annual "Run for the Roses” 5K run/walk. This beautiful run goes  through the Village of Lexington along the shores of Lake Huron.  The run takes you through the quaint neighborhoods of the Village and is stroller and family friendly for runners and walkers of all ages.  Consider staying after the race to enjoy Derby Day festivities.

A portion of this years’ profits will be going to Camp Cavell.  Through unique and nature-immersed programming at Summer Camp, children grow in self-identity, self esteem, and leadership while creating lasting memories and building life-long friendships.  By participating in this run you are a part of the legacy in bringing kids to Camp Cavell Conservancy and providing campers with enriching experiences for the next 100 years

There will be snacks and age group awards after the event and water along the route.

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 47 semaines pour vous préparer

5k Run/Walk

03 Mai, 2025 (Sam) - 10:00
3.1 mi
Sur site
Ambiance familiale


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