Schultz Family Kids Triathlon

Newton, MA, USA
11 Juill, 2024 (Jeu)


25 yd, 0.25 mi, 0.75 mi

À propos de l'événement

Our Founder & Mission:

Triathlete David Schultz founded the race in the summer of 2018 by putting on a mini-triathlon for his three children.  The kids loved the race so much that they talked about it all summer and begged it become an annual tradition.  Following Dave's passing in 2019, we have honored his legacy of promoting youth fitness, inclusion, a sense of accomplishment, community spirit, and joy with this event. 

Knowing this will be the first triathlon for many of the participants, we strive want to make it a great experience for all, regardless of ability level. Thanks to Newton Athletes Unlimited, the race has an adaptive division welcoming children and adults with disabilities.    

Race Day Packet-Pick Up: 

Thursday July 11:  4:00pm – 5:30pm

Newton North High School

Theatre Entrance (off Elm Road)

Race Day (7/11) Timeline:

4:00pm – Packet Pick Up Opens

4:00pm - Transition Area Opens

5:30pm – Packet Pick-Up Ends

5:30pm – Elm Road & Walnut Southbound are closed to traffic.

5:40pm – Race Welcome, Announcements, National Anthem, Staging of Athletes

6:00pm – Race Starts

8:00pm – Post Race Celebration Concludes

We will be utilizing a staggered start for each age group to ensure proper timing of each participant and keep the course from being too crowded.  The adaptive division will start, followed by our younger and older divisions.   


Please use the Lowell Ave. parking lot (corner of Lowell Ave. & Elm Rd.) behind Newton North High School.  Parking here allows you to leave when you participant(s) are finished, and you won't have to wait until the conclusion of the race.  Those who park in the Walnut St. school lot (corner of Walnut St, & Elm Rd.), must wait until the conclusion of the entire bike portion to leave.  


This course is set up so family and friends can cheer the entire way.  For the swim, utilize the upstairs pool seating area.  After, exit by the front door of the school and watch your participant complete the bike loop on Tiger Drive.  Finally, head back through the school to access the track to watch your athlete complete the race.  Fans are welcome along every portion of the race, except the transition area.  This section will be only open to participants and volunteers once the race starts.





Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 3 semaines pour vous préparer


11 Juill, 2024 (Jeu) - 18:00
Sur site
  • Natation
    25 yd
  • Cyclisme
    0.75 mi
  • Course
    0.25 mi


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