Semana Nautica Trail 5k at Elings Park

Santa Barbara, CA, USA
30 Juin, 2024 (Dim)


1.25 mi, 5 km

À propos de l'événement

Take on the trail running challange of the Santa Barbara based Semana Nautica sports festival. The Semana Nautica Summer Sports Festival is a Santa Barbara tradition dating back to 1933. Enjoy the scenic trails with epic views of the Channel Islands on the 5k course. 1.25 mile kids run on trail.  Bring the whole family to join fun! Enjoy post race food, beverages & activities in the Start/Finish area at Singleton Pavilion. Hikers and walkers are welcome.  


Event details and schedule

Course Description  

The 5k races will take in some of Elings Park’s great singletrack trails.  Short, character-building climbs will be rewarded with incredible views of the Pacific Ocean, Channel Islands and Downtown Santa Barbara.  This is a true trail experience with ribbons and chalk marking the course. Looking for a flat road course?  This is not the event for you.  Hoping to have an incredible morning with fellow runners on a fun new course? You will not be disappointed!  There will also be a 1.25 mile distance option for Junior runners starting at 8:45am. 

This is a Grand Prix event and all proceeds will benefit youth running programs along with Elings Park  trail maintenance.  $10 discount for SBRA members. 


Event Details 

Water will be provided in start/finish area (recommend bringing handheld if warm weather)

Event Start/Finish Location: Elings Park - Singleton Pavilion

Event Schedule: 

Bib pickup from 7:00 am - 7:50 am

8:30am: 5K

9:30am 1.25 Mile Junior Race

Post Race activities & beverages provided - additinoal food & beverage available for purchase from our friends at Back Yard Bowls


Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 4 semaines pour vous préparer


30 Juin, 2024 (Dim) - 08:30
5 km
Sur site

1.25 miles Kids

30 Juin, 2024 (Dim) - 09:30
1.25 mi
Sur site


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