Shamrock Shuffle 5K

Charlotte, NC, USA
11 Mars, 2017 (Sam)


5 km

À propos de l'événement

The Shamrock Shuffle 5K will begin and end at Shamrock Gardens Elementary school located on Country Club Drive in the Country Club Heights neighborhood. The race will take participants through the beautiful streets of Country Club Heights and Plaza Midwood. Come enjoy this historic district and take in these amazing homes and unique architecture as you race.

TINY SHAMROCK DASH – Open to children 8 and under
The Tiny Shamrocks Dash will take place at approximately 10:00am. This race takes place on school property, on the field below the playground. 

FREE KIDS ½ MILE RUN – Open to children 15 and under
The Fun Run will begin at 10:15am and will also be held on the field below the playground. If your youngster has never participated in a formal race, our ½ Mile Fun Run is the perfect opportunity to try racing. 

Tiny Shamrock Dashers and Fun Run participants can purchase a t-shirt for only 5 dollars and do not need to register, just show up!

Courses proposées par cet événement

Shamrock Shuffle

11 Mars, 2017 (Sam) - 09:00
5 km


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