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The Lucy Walk

Lancaster, TX, USA
26 Oct, 2019 (Sam)


5 km

À propos de l'événement

In 1982, Lucy Dixon’s life was ended abruptly due to domestic violence.  Lucy’s untimely death greatly impacted her loved ones, including her youngest surviving son, Pastor Alton Dixon, who has since joined in the battle to end domestic violence.  In 2014, Pastor Dixon founded “I Love Lucy Ministries” to honor the memory of his late mother and advocate for families affected by domestic violence.  Through his continuous efforts to end this epidemic causing desolation to those of all races and genders, “The Lucy Walk” was born.  “The Lucy Walk” brings survivors and their adversaries together in an effort to stop domestic violence by bringing awareness, education, and support to those in the Lancaster community and surrounding areas.  100% of all proceeds raised benefit domestic violence survivors.          

Courses proposées par cet événement

The Lucy Walk

26 Oct, 2019 (Sam) - 09:00
5 km
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