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The Maren Mile

Phoenixville, PA, USA
28 Nov, 2021 (Dim)


1 mi

À propos de l'événement

Come out for our first running of The Maren Mile on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, Nov. 28, 2021

Join us and test your flat out one mile speed or enjoy an opportunity to run your best and participate in this family fun event.  There will be multiple heats to ensure you run with similar skilled runners.  Be as competitive as you feel.  There will also be a kids 1/4 mile run.  

This event will be held on the Phoenixville Area High School Track in conjunction with the PAHS National Honor Society.

Registration is open on-line until 11/26 or in person the day of the event.
Day of Registration opens at 8:00 am
First Heat starts at 9:00 am
Rain or Shine

This is a community event held in honor of Maren Kaniewski, a forever 7 year old who passed away from Pediatric AML Leukemia.  All funds raised will support the Maren's Fierce Fighters charity and their mission to continue the fight against pediatric cancer.  Maren's Fierce Fighters is a 501 (c)3 charitable organization that is committed to supporting new and innovative research for childhood leukemia in hopes of finding a cure. They are equally dedicated to supporting families who find themselves in this battle.  Maren's Fierce Fighters has helped raise over $75,000 that has directly supported clinical pediatric cancer research.  They also have their We Are With You and Smiling From a Star programs that directly support families of those affected by pediatric cancer. 

Courses proposées par cet événement

1 Mile run

28 Nov, 2021 (Dim) - 09:00
1 mi
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