The Mud Run – Little RO Ck’s Dirtiest 5 K

Little Rock, AR, USA
21 Sept, 2024 (Sam)

Course à obstacles

5 km

À propos de l'événement

The Mud Run is for the adventuresome spirit and is definitely not your average 5K. The only thing serious about this event is the MUD.

Participants run, walk, skip, trot and even cavort through our 5K(ish - please refer to helpful hints section for the clarification of "ish") course, which winds through scenic Western Hills Park. Participants may have to overcome an "obstacle" or two along the way. Then finish with a spectacular frolic through our world-renowned mud pit, which is filled with that amazing Arkansas mud.

The point is not to finish fast but to finish with style.

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 13 semaines pour vous préparer


21 Sept, 2024 (Sam) - 08:00
Course à obstacles
5 km
Sur site


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