TRI McConnell - A 60 Minute Indoor Triathlon

Columbus, OH, USA
03 Nov, 2024 (Dim)


25 yd, 20 min, 30 min

À propos de l'événement

  *** McConnell members receive a $5.00 discount on the registration fee***

Indoor Triathlon

Swim 10 Minutes in 25 yard pool (4 feet depth)Bike 30 Minutes on stationary cycle Run 20 Minutes on treadmill.

The combined time for the swim, bike and run is 60 minutes, plus two transitions. The first transition between the swim and bike is ten minutes and the second transition between the bike to run is five minutes. There will be up to 6 participants in each heat with heats starting every 20 minutes. The pool has 4 lanes, with two swimmers in each lane.  After completing the swim segment participants will move to the cycle room for the bike segment then upstairs for the run segment.

Each participant will have a set amount of time to swim, bike, and run with allotted transitions between activities. Fun and pressure-free, this event is great for both experienced triathletes and those competing in their first race.


All three segments are done in sequence (swim, bike, run) and the distance (laps and miles) for each segment will be recorded. The results will be by total distance and by ranked scoring.


This event will benefit the OhioHealth Behavioral Medicine/Addiction Medicine Fellowship. All profits from the Tri McConnell will help with educating physicians in addressing the opioid epidemic. Some areas that physicians receive education in are: inpatient psychiatry, pregnant and postpartum women suffering from opioid use disorder, advocacy for changes in local, state and federal health policies, and hands on experience in outpatient recovery.

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 20 semaines pour vous préparer


03 Nov, 2024 (Dim) - 08:00
Sur site
  • Natation
    25 yd
  • Cyclisme
    30 min
    Vélo d'appartement
  • Course
    20 min
    Tapis de course


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