Turner's Tuff 10

Modesto, CA, USA
24 Févr, 2018 (Sam)


11.25 mi

À propos de l'événement

Come join a FUN run in a beautiful place! A lollipop course which will take you through an aid station twice before finishing the 11.25-mile course! Yes, we know we said "10", but hey, who doesn't like bonus miles! Plan to cross the water and get wet, possibly even muddy. This course is rocky with a lot of technical terrain. Welcome to all runners and abilities who want to come have a nice time and a change of scenery. There won't be a clock so you will be expected to time yourself. There will be custom finish prizes for top 3 overall male and female finishers. We will have food afterward, so plan to hang out for the after party!

We are asking for toiletry donations which will go to the Center for Human Services and/or a monetary donation of $10.

Courses proposées par cet événement

Turner's Tuff 10

24 Févr, 2018 (Sam) - 09:00
11.25 mi
Folks, it's Red Hills, so you should plan for almost anything. Rain, water crossing, possible Jon Olsen sightings...you just never know. Come prepared to have fun and get messy!
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