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Whine on the Vine

Hillsboro, OR, USA
16 Juill, 2017 (Dim)


5 km

À propos de l'événement

It is a short drive from Portland to this Yamhill County Winery, but you'll feel like you are way out in the country.
The vineyard is beautiful and produces excellent wine. The best way to find out why we put an "H" in the wine is to experience the course. We'll start going through the rows of grape vines with a panoramic view toward the cascade range. We'll go over under and through some man made obstacles on the vineyard property and then head to the trail run portion of the course. Like all X-Dog events, some portions of the trail you can run, others you can't, and band aids and blood might just happen. After a few miles of trail you'll make you way back onto the vineyard where a couple more obstacles await you. We'll even cool you off with an old fashioned slip and slide.
Mimosa's on us at the finish. Stay for some friendly eats!?The Winery will be open for tasting (for a small tasting charge).?? AWARDS to TOP Finishers as well as age-group winners.

Courses proposées par cet événement


16 Juill, 2017 (Dim) - 10:00
5 km


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