Woodbridge Rough! Tough! Trail Run

Woodbridge, CT, USA
03 Nov, 2019 (Dim)


2 mi


4 mi

À propos de l'événement

4 miles of trails (or 2 mile walk) through Alice Newton Street Park, one of Connecticut's oldest land trusts, located in the center of Woodbridge. The trails consist of gravel, wood chips, packed dirt- there are numerous areas of rocky terrain and roots-  all through a wooded landscape passing over small streams and the Wepawaug Brook, alongside Wepawaug Falls. The footing on the 2-loop course goes from easy to difficult and technical, with some steep inclines and declines and numerous bridge crossings (optional). The 2-mile walk is an out & back affair, to the falls and return on easier trails. Custom designed tech T-Shirts to all participants. Refreshments afterwards with an award ceremony to follow. This is the first annual event and is a fundraiser for the park.

Courses proposées par cet événement

4 Mile Trail Run

03 Nov, 2019 (Dim) - 08:00
4 mi
Sur site

2 Mile Woodland Walk

03 Nov, 2019 (Dim) - 08:00
2 mi
Sur site


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