Yellowstone Independence Day 5k

Livingston, MT, USA
04 Juill, 2024 (Jeu)


5 km

À propos de l'événement


July 4th 2024 in Livingston MT, the Yellowstone Running Club brings you it's inaugural "Yellowstone Independence Day 5k" run/walk fundraiser! 


Sacajawea Park, Livingston MT 


Thursday, July 4, 2024 -  8-10am

The first annual Yellowstone Independence Day 5k fun run/walk.  All proceeds to benefit the Yellowstone Running Club mission to support wellness through running/walking and the greater Park County youth runners attendance at regional cross country championship races. 

Race starts and ends at the historic Sacajawea Park located next to the Yellowstone River in Livingston, MT.

Start Time: 

5K starts at 8:00 a.m.

Same day registration available 7:15-7:45

Bib Pickup:

7:00 a.m.-7:45 a.m. on Thursday July 4th at Sacajawea Park

Post Race Snacks:

Bottled water, snacks and ice cream will be provided after the race. A water aid station will be available approximately halfway through the course.

Thank you for supporting our first annual 5k race. This will not be chip timed as this is a FUN run with all proceeds from this event going to help support our area youth runners attend regional cross country championships this fall and further the  Yellowstone Running Club mission to promote running/walking and wellness in our area. 

If you or someone you know would like to support our race or our athletes in any way, please contact us  at [email protected]


Yellowstone Running Club is committed to promoting running and wellness in people of all ages in the Park County and surrounding areas. It supports youth runners wanting to attend regional and national cross country competitions.  This year YRC plans to help area youth runners attend the Nike Regional Cross Country Championship in Idaho.  Through fun runs and fun-draising we work to promote running/walking and wellness in the greater Park County area!

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Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 2 semaines pour vous préparer


04 Juill, 2024 (Jeu) - 08:00
5 km
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