Colorado River Run (Run to the River) Trail Marathon and Half Marathon

Leander, TX, USA
30 Nov, 2024 (Sam)


13.1 mi, 26.2 mi

À propos de l'événement

The Colorado River Run, or "Run to the River," is an invigorating trail marathon (26.2 miles) and half marathon (13.1 miles) that promises to be a memorable experience for runners and nature enthusiasts alike. Set along the scenic banks and trails surrounding the majestic Colorado River at Arkansas Bend Park, this event offers participants a unique opportunity to connect with nature, challenge their endurance, and embrace the spirit of outdoor adventure. The course layout is designed to highlight the river's most picturesque spots while providing a challenging terrain for runners. Participants will run through diverse landscapes, including riverbanks, rugged trails, and serene natural habitats. Fully stocked aid stations will be strategically placed along the course, providing hydration, nutrition, and medical assistance to ensure participants' safety and well-being. Eco-friendly practices, such as waste reduction and the use of sustainable materials, will be implemented to minimize the event's environmental footprint. The event aims to foster a sense of community among participants, volunteers, and spectators. The event welcomes runners of all levels, from competitive athletes seeking to set personal records to recreational runners looking for a unique trail experience. Custom medals will be awarded to all finishers. 

Courses proposées par cet événement

Vous avez 24 semaines pour vous préparer


30 Nov, 2024 (Sam) - 07:30
26.2 mi
Sur site


30 Nov, 2024 (Sam) - 08:00
13.1 mi
Sur site


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